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Using the Grav Instance

Once you have a Grav instance, you can start connecting Pods and sending messages!

package main

import (


func useGravInstance() {
g := grav.New()

// create a pod and set a function to be called on each message
p := g.Connect()
p.On(func(msg grav.Message) error {
fmt.Println("message received:", string(msg.Data()))

return nil

// create a second pod and send a message
p2 := g.Connect()
p2.Send(grav.NewMsg(grav.MsgTypeDefault, []byte("hello, world")))

// messages are asyncronous, so pause for a second to allow the message to send

Here we can see Pods being created, and the two main Pod methods being used. Read about Pods if you haven't already.

Each time On is called, the function used to receive messages gets replaced. Therefore if multiple receiving functions are needed, multiple Pods should be created.