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Getting started

The following guide will help you install the tooling and spin up an Atmo instance on your computer for local development.



As of the time of writing, subo does not officially support the Windows operating system. You may, however, try installing and using subo on WSL2.

First, you will need to have the subo CLI and Docker installed.

Creating a Project

With subo installed, you can now create a project:

subo create project important-api

The project contains two important things: a Directive.yaml file, and an example Runnable called helloworld written in Rust. The Directive file defines route handlers and connects Runnables to them.


In the Directive file, you'll see a handler set up for you that serves the POST /hello route using the helloworld Runnable:

# the Directive is a complete description of your application, including all of its business logic.
# appVersion should be updated for each new deployment of your app.
# atmoVersion declares which version of Atmo is used for the `subo dev` command.

identifier: com.suborbital.important-api
appVersion: v0.1.0
atmoVersion: v0.2.3

- type: request
resource: /hello
method: POST
- fn: helloworld

Building and Running

The subo command line tool is used again here to build and run your Atmo project.


Inside the important-api directory run:

subo build .

This automatically compiles each of your Runnables in a Docker container and bundles them together in to be used in Atmo.

⏩ START: building runnables in .
ℹ️ 🐳 using Docker toolchain
⏩ START: building runnable: helloworld (rust)
Updating index

✅ DONE: bundle was created -> @ v0.1.0

If you prefer not to use Docker, you can also build your Runnables natively.

Running a development server

Now that we have our application bundle built, we can start a development server.

In the important-api directory, run:

subo dev

This creates a Docker container running Atmo, copies your into the container, and starts an Atmo server listening on http://localhost:8080.

You can test the /hello route in a second terminal by sending a POST request with a body to it:

curl localhost:8080/hello -d 'from the Kármán line!'

Atmo runs and responds successfuly if you get a 200 OK response with the request body replayed to you in the response.