HTTP client
You can use the http
namespace of the Runnable API to make HTTP requests from your Runnable code. These methods are currently the only way to access the network from Runnable code.
Arbitrary socket and network access is not currently possible.
- Rust
- JavaScript/TypeScript
- AssemblyScript
- Swift
In Rust these methods are available under the http
# Use the "http" module
use suborbital::http;
# Invoke the "Get" method
In JavaScript and TypeScript the methods live on the http
import { http } from "@suborbital/runnable"
All HTTP requests return a HttpResponse
object supporting various payload formats:
export class HttpResponse {
arrayBuffer(): ArrayBuffer {}
json(): object {}
text(): string {}
The headers
parameter may be specified as string header name/value pairs:
type Headers = { [key: string]: string };
In AssemblyScript all methods are prefixed with http
// Import then invoke "Get" method
import { httpGet } from '@suborbital/suborbital'
In Swift these methods are prefixed with Http
// Invoke the "Get" method
Swift does not yet support passing headers to a request.
The following namespace methods are available:
Performs an HTTP GET request:
- Rust
- JavaScript & TypeScript
- AssemblyScript
- Swift
pub fn get(url: &str, headers: Option<BTreeMap<&str, &str>>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, RunErr>
http.get(url: string, headers?: Headers): HttpResponse
function httpGet(url: string, headers: Map<string, string> | null): Result
public func HttpGet(url: String) -> String
Performs an HTTP HEAD request:
- Rust
- JavaScript & TypeScript
- AssemblyScript
- Swift
pub fn get(url: &str, headers: Option<BTreeMap<&str, &str>>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, HostErr>
http.head(url: string, headers?: Headers): HttpResponse
function httpHead(url: string, headers: Map<string, string> | null): Result
public func HttpHead(url: String) -> String
Performs an HTTP OPTIONS request:
- Rust
- JavaScript & TypeScript
- AssemblyScript
- Swift
pub fn options(url: &str, headers: Option<BTreeMap<&str, &str>>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, HostErr>
http.options(url: string, headers?: Headers): HttpResponse
function httpOptions(url: string, headers: Map<string, string> | null): Result
public func HttpOptions(url: String) -> String
Performs an HTTP POST request:
- Rust
- JavaScript & TypeScript
- AssemblyScript
- Swift
pub fn post(url: &str, body: Option<Vec<u8>>, headers: Option<BTreeMap<&str, &str>>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, RunErr> string, body: string | Uint8Array, headers?: Headers): HttpResponse
function httpPost(url: string, body: ArrayBuffer, headers: Map<string, string> | null): ArrayBuffer
public func HttpPost(url: String, body: String) -> String
Performs an HTTP PUT request:
- Rust
- JavaScript & TypeScript
- AssemblyScript
- Swift
pub fn put(url: &str, body: Option<Vec<u8>>, headers: Option<BTreeMap<&str, &str>>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, HostErr>
http.put(url: string, body: string | Uint8Array, headers?: Headers): HttpResponse
function httpPut(url: string, body: ArrayBuffer, headers: Map<string, string> | null): Result
public func HttpPut(url: String, body: String) -> String
Performs an HTTP PATCH request:
- Rust
- JavaScript & TypeScript
- AssemblyScript
- Swift
pub fn patch(url: &str, body: Option<Vec<u8>>, headers: Option<BTreeMap<&str, &str>>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, RunErr>
http.patch(url: string, body: string | Uint8Array, headers?: Headers): HttpResponse
function httpPatch(url: string, body: ArrayBuffer, headers: Map<string, string> | null): ArrayBuffer
public func HttpPatch(url: String, body: String) -> String
Performs an HTTP DELETE request:
- Rust
- JavaScript & TypeScript
- AssemblyScript
- Swift
pub fn delete(url: &str, headers: Option<BTreeMap<&str, &str>>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, RunErr>
http.delete(url: string, headers?: Headers): HttpResponse
function httpDelete(url: string, headers: Map<string, string> | null): ArrayBuffer
public func HttpDelete(url: String) -> String